all postcodes in CA8 / BRAMPTON

find any address or company within the CA8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA8 9AA 15 0 54.88666 -2.78594
CA8 9AB 7 0 54.887159 -2.787684
CA8 9AD 8 0 54.887565 -2.788799
CA8 9AE 32 1 54.88867 -2.789206
CA8 9AF 16 0 54.890318 -2.791452
CA8 9AG 6 0 54.894757 -2.79695
CA8 9AH 61 0 54.888051 -2.786154
CA8 9AJ 6 1 54.891397 -2.801923
CA8 9AL 14 0 54.888894 -2.79197
CA8 9AN 4 0 54.888953 -2.791223
CA8 9AP 6 0 54.901628 -2.805386
CA8 9AR 4 0 54.904783 -2.806989
CA8 9AU 1 0 54.903106 -2.796881
CA8 9AX 3 0 54.905545 -2.789057
CA8 9AY 3 0 54.897948 -2.792448
CA8 9BA 25 0 54.889543 -2.803711
CA8 9BB 5 0 54.887149 -2.803222
CA8 9BD 2 0 54.885819 -2.808282
CA8 9BE 2 0 54.89004 -2.810144
CA8 9BG 4 0 54.889826 -2.81422